The English part of the PGCE program requires us to join a Wiki and contribute to it weekly. The aim of the Wiki is to share our views about children's books and review them. We have to add an image of the book, the title, the authors name and a little bit about the book, along with what age group it would be relevant for. I enjoy contributing to the Wiki as I find it quick and easy I also think as there are so many of us contributing to the Wiki, it is developing into an excellent resource. I think it is a really good way of sharing information.
I think the idea of having a class Wiki is something that could be introduced to a primary classroom, and as children are learning vital I.C.T skills they can also be contributing a fantastic resource for their classmates that can be viewed by their family and friends at home. One useful idea would be to have a book Wiki similar to the one we have for the PGCE another idea would to have a creative writing Wiki where children can upload their creative writing poems and stories for the rest of the class to see.


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