Sir Ken Robinson’s ‘schools kill creativity’ video highlights how giving more attention to arts and humanities as opposed to focussing solely on Maths and English can be beneficial for children that are gifted in subjects such as Dance, Music and Art. Robinson argues that the current status of such subjects doesn't represent current society “…creativity now is as important in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status.” I want to practice this in my own classroom as I think it is important to recognise and encourage the talents of all the children even if they are not considered as top status subjects.

An article entitled ‘The Fourth R’ by Helen Ward can be found in TES (21/9/12). The article suggests that English can no longer be taught without Art, criticising that children need to learn how to read pictures as well as text. “…words free up the images and the images free up the words, so they’re both incredibly important.” – Professor Andrea Lunsford “We are entering an era of “oral visual culture” as the dominance of text recedes.” I think this is a relevant and important message to take into my teaching practice with me as I feel we need to provide children with real life skills not just information to pass exams. 

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